Apabila kerja dan komunikasi seharian anda memang menggunakan Bahasa Inggeris, agak pelik juga jika mahu hantar surat berhenti kerja dalam Bahasa Melayu. Oleh sebab itu, lebih baik rujuk contoh surat resign dalam Bahasa Inggeris, buat sedikit modifikasi dan terus hantar pada boss.

Versi Bahasa Inggeris

Untuk surat resign versi Bahasa Inggeris ini, anda boleh copy-and-paste dan simpan sendiri dalam format Microsoft Word. Jika perlu, boleh juga tukar format dan simpan dalam bentuk PDF untuk rujukan akan datang.

Namun, jika lebih selesa dalam Bahasa Melayu, dapat contoh seperti pautan di atas, pada perenggan pertama.

Sila rujuk The Muse jika inginkan contoh surat yang lebih sempurna, bersekali dengan alasan berhenti kerja.


Cara buat surat resign

Kami senaraikan beberapa contoh surat rasmi resign kerja yang biasa orang guna.

Antaranya ialah format surat berhenti kerja 24 jam, berhenti serta merta dan yang paling biasa ialah dengan notis sebulan.

Pastikan mempunyai alasan berhenti kerja yang kukuh dan munasabah.

Contoh surat resign dalam Bahasa Inggeris (24 hours notice)

Berikut ialah contoh surat resign kerana telah mendapat tawaran di tempat lain, dengan notis 24 jam (24 hours notice). Ini sesuai pada yang mahu berhenti kerja serta merta.
<Employee Name>
<Employee Address>

Date :  <Date>

<Company Name>
<Company Address>

Dear Sir / Madam,


Please accept this as formal notice of my resignation, effective immediately.

I am very honoured to be working for <Company Name> as <Current working position>. Honestly, it has been a wonderful experience.

  1.    As indicated, I have been exploring several employment possibilities and received an offer from another company with a new position. After thoughtful consideration, Ihave decided to accept it.
  2. This decision has not been easy. But I have decided that it will be in the best interest for my career advancement and future development.
  3. Once again, I would like to thankyour for the countless opportunities that you and <Company Name> has given me.
  4. I wish you and <Company Name> many more successes in the future.

Thank you.


<Employee Name>
Employee Number :<Employee Number>
Phone Number: <Employee Phone Number>


Contoh surat resign dalam Bahasa Inggeris (1 month notice)

Berikut ialah contoh surat resign kerana telah mendapat tawaran di tempat lain, dengan notis sebulan (1 month notice) atau 30 hari (30 days notice).

<Employee Name>
<Employee Address>

Date :  <Date>

<Company Name>
<Company Address>

Dear Sir / Madam,


Please accept this as formal notice of my resignation, effective one (1) month from today. My last working day will be on <Last working date>.

I am very honoured to be working for <Company Name> as <Current working position>. Honestly, it has been a wonderful experience.

  1.    As indicated, I have been exploring several employment possibilities and received an offer from another company with a new position. After thoughtful consideration, Ihave decided to accept it.
  2. This decision has not been easy. But I have decided that it will be in the best interest for my career advancement and future development.
  3. Once again, I would like to thankyour for the countless opportunities that you and <Company Name> has given me.
  4. I wish you and <Company Name> many more successes in the future.

Thank you.


<Employee Name>
Employee Number :<Employee Number>
Phone Number: <Employee Phone Number>


Contoh surat resign (English) (1 week notice)

Berikut ialah contoh surat berhenti kerja dengan alasan, contohnya telah mendapat tawaran di tempat lain. Ini adalah dengan notis seminggu (1 week notice).
<Employee Name>
<Employee Address>

Date :  <Date>


<Company Name>
<Company Address>

Dear Sir / Madam,


Please accept this as formal notice of my resignation, effective one (1) week from today. My last working day will be on <Last working date>.

I am very honoured to be working for <Company Name> as <Current working position>. Honestly, it has been a wonderful experience.

  1.    As indicated, I have been exploring several employment possibilities and received an offer from another company with a new position. After thoughtful consideration, Ihave decided to accept it.
  2. This decision has not been easy. But I have decided that it will be in the best interest for my career advancement and future development.
  3. Once again, I would like to thankyour for the countless opportunities that you and <Company Name> has given me.
  4. I wish you and <Company Name> many more successes in the future.

Thank you.


<Employee Name>
Employee Number :<Employee Number>
Phone Number: <Employee Phone Number>


Contoh surat resign (English) (2 weeks notice)

Berikut ialah contoh surat resign kerana telah mendapat tawaran di tempat lain, dengan notis 2 minggu (2 weeks notice).
Kebiasaannya, notis 2 minggu ialah untuk pekerja yang masih lagi dalam probation.

<Employee Name>
<Employee Address>

Date :  <Date>
<Company Name>
<Company Address>

Dear Sir / Madam,


Please accept this as formal notice of my resignation, effective one (2) weeks from today. My last working day will be on <Last working date>.

I am very honoured to be working for <Company Name> as <Current working position>. Honestly, it has been a wonderful experience.

  1.    As indicated, I have been exploring several employment possibilities and received an offer from another company with a new position. After thoughtful consideration, Ihave decided to accept it.
  2. This decision has not been easy. But I have decided that it will be in the best interest for my career advancement and future development.
  3. Once again, I would like to thankyour for the countless opportunities that you and <Company Name> has given me.
  4. I wish you and <Company Name> many more successes in the future.

Thank you.


<Employee Name>
Employee Number :<Employee Number>
Phone Number: <Employee Phone Number>

Contoh surat resign (English) (3 months notice)

Berikut ialah contoh surat resign kerana telah mendapat tawaran di tempat lain, dengan notis 3 bulan (3 months notice).
Kebiasaannya, notis 3 bulan ialah untuk pekerja yang ada kemahiran lain dari yang lain. Bakat dan skil pekerja jenis ini sukar dicari.
Ini bermakna bukan mudah untuk majikan mendapatkan pengganti untuk jawatan ini. Justeru, 3 bulan ialah masa yang amat sesuai.
<Employee Name>
<Employee Address>

Date :  <Date>
<Company Name>
<Company Address>

Dear Sir / Madam,


Please accept this as formal notice of my resignation, effective one (3) months from today. My last working day will be on <Last working date>.

I am very honoured to be working for <Company Name> as <Current working position>. Honestly, it has been a wonderful experience.

  1.    As indicated, I have been exploring several employment possibilities and received an offer from another company with a new position. After thoughtful consideration, Ihave decided to accept it.
  2. This decision has not been easy. But I have decided that it will be in the best interest for my career advancement and future development.
  3. Once again, I would like to thankyour for the countless opportunities that you and <Company Name> has given me.
  4. I wish you and <Company Name> many more successes in the future.

Thank you.


<Employee Name>
Employee Number :<Employee Number>
Phone Number: <Employee Phone Number>


Akhir kalam

Walau apa-pun alasan kita, berhentilah cara baik. Jangan keluar begitu sahaja kerana ia akan menjejaskan reputasi kita.

Jika anda diberikan surat tunjuk sebab kerana ada buat kesalahan tata tertib, jangan terburu-buru untuk berhenti kerja. Jawab dengan mengikut contoh surat tunjuk sebab terlebih dahulu.

Semoga bermanfaat.

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My writing covers job-related topics, from boosting office productivity to salary negotiations. I have a keen interest in workplace dynamics and enjoy exploring and comparing job markets across various industries. My goal is to help both employers and job seekers make informed decisions in their professional journeys.

1 Comment

  1. Wellington majit on

    Macam mana kalau buat surat tunjuk sebab gagal melaksanakan tanggungjawab sebagai penyelia kilang dengan efektif..boleh ajar saya 🙏🙏

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